There are many ways to save money while traveling. Credit card sign-up bonuses, folding your jackets inside out, and Google Translate are just a few of them.
Here are more tips:
Credit card sign-up bonuses
You might be wary of credit card sign-up bonuses, especially if you are skeptical of banks’ motives for giving out these high amounts of money. But the reality is that these large bonuses are worth a lot of money if you are willing to pay the fees that come with them. Generally, banks are okay with giving away big bonuses because most people carry a balance on their card and end up paying huge interest fees. And even if they don’t take advantage of this opportunity, they still charge merchants two or three percent for each swipe.
Extension cables
Bringing your own power strip and extension cable when traveling can save you a lot of trouble. This is especially true when staying in a hostel. Not only will you have your own power strip, but it can also make you stand out among other travelers. But before you buy the most expensive power strip you’ve ever seen, make sure that you understand the rules that apply to your destination. By following these tips, you’ll be able to make the best of the extension cords while traveling.
Folding jackets inside out
Whether you’re packing for a vacation or an airport flight, storing your jacket in an upright position for travel can be a pain. First, close the zippers and buttons. Then, fold in both arms, making sure the hem is flat. Next, fold the bottom in half. Once you’ve done that, fold the top inside the opening and push it inside the jacket. Repeat the same process with the other side of the jacket.
Google Translate
One travel hack that you can use is Google Translate. While you’re on the road, it is useful to know what words and phrases mean in other languages. For example, if you’re in Turkey, a menu might not be written in English, so using Google Translate will save you a lot of time. It can even help you find a restaurant in English! Just point your camera at the menu and Google Translate will instantly translate it.
Using a virtual private network
Using a VPN while traveling can protect you from online security threats. While traveling, you may connect to public Wi-Fi, which is often unprotected, and may be targeted by hackers. A VPN can protect your data from hackers by letting you connect through a different server from your location. When you use a VPN, you will not have to worry about hackers watching your online activities, or their snooping on your emails. Additionally, you can protect your financial transactions with a VPN.